(972) 236-5051
The Premier Choice for Legal Services in Texas
We provide internal investigation services to corporations of all sizes. These services include investigations of harassment, fraud, theft, retaliation, and discrimination.
Internal investigations are an effective tool for identifying misconduct and preventing future wrongdoing. While it may seem counterintuitive, nothing is worse for an organization than to find out after the fact that illicit activity was occurring. Conducting a thorough investigation prior to learning of any allegations can help to avoid such situations. An investigation also provides an opportunity for the organization to mitigate public relations risks and moral hazards by proactively taking appropriate corrective action when misconduct is confirmed.
Our services are designed to offer businesses an unbiased perspective when it comes to misconduct. The MLS investigative team is led by a nationally certified ATIXA Level II Civil Rights Investigator that also has experience in criminal law investigations. We provide full-service investigative capabilities, including remote interviews, on-site reviews, and electronic discovery. MLS conducts investigations in the following areas:
In addition to reducing risk for your business, it’s important to understand what you are legally required to do when there has been an incident in your business that affects employee safety and wellbeing.
Independent Internal Investigations provide leadership with a sense of comfort because investigations are handled by people within the organization who have no vested interest in the outcome. Employees are less likely to sue employers when they know that an investigation is being conducted without bias.
The recent explosion of sexual harassment and misconduct allegations has pushed many to question their employers faith in the ability of internal investigations to uncover the truth. Increasingly, industries are choosing to partner with law firms such as Masterly Legal Solutions, who not only offer a thorough investigation, but also ensure trustworthiness by performing their own independent internal investigation.
With an independent investigation, businesses have an opportunity to hire a neutral outsider to review any potential claims from employees. The review is conducted with the idea that the outside investigator is not biased, will have more objectivity, and will not have a company or industry affiliation that could potentially impact how he or she confronts a particular situation.
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