A logo for a law firm called masterly legal solutions , pllc.


Dallas- Uptown Area


3838 Oak Lawn Ave

Suite 1000

Dallas, Texas 75219

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.
Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Appointment Only
A black and white drawing of a phone with a speech bubble.
A black and white drawing of an envelope on a white background.

Houston- Galleria Area

A black and white drawing of a map pin on a white background.

5718 Westheimer Road

Suite 1000

Houston, TX 77057

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.
Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Appointment Only
A black and white drawing of a phone with a speech bubble.
A black and white drawing of an envelope on a white background.

Austin- Downtown Area

A black and white drawing of a map pin on a white background.

111 Congress Avenue

Suite 500

Austin, TX 78701

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.
Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
A black and white drawing of a phone with a speech bubble.
A black and white drawing of an envelope on a white background.

Grand Prairie

A black and white drawing of a map pin on a white background.

2100 N. State Highway 360

Suite 1000

Grand Prairie, TX 75050

Located in Building 10

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.
Mon - Sun
Appointment Only
A black and white drawing of a phone with a speech bubble.
A black and white drawing of an envelope on a white background.

Plano- Legacy

A black and white drawing of a map pin on a white background.

5465 Legacy Drive

Suite 650 

Plano, TX 75024

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.
Mon - Sun
Appointment Only
A black and white drawing of a phone with a speech bubble.
A black and white drawing of an envelope on a white background.

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Fill in the form or call to set up a meeting at (972) 236-5051.

A black and white drawing of a straight line on a white background.
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